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No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports. No recent reports.

ID Name Zeit CEST Luft °C Wind km/h Luftdruck hPa
62304Sandettie LightshipNo recent reports.
62305Greenwich LightshipNo recent reports.
62103Channel LightshipNo recent reports.
62164Anasuria AWSNo recent reports.
62166ThamesNo recent reports.
62147Galaxy 111No recent reports.
63105Brent "B" AWSNo recent reports.
62142North SeaNo recent reports.
62145North SeaNo recent reports.
62144Clipper AWSNo recent reports.
63110Beryl A AWSNo recent reports.
63113Brent "A" AWSNo recent reports.
63104North SeaNo recent reports.
63112North SeaNo recent reports.
63117North SeaNo recent reports.
62091M2-20 NM E LambayNo recent reports.
62094M5-SENo recent reports.
62092M3-SW Mizen HeadNo recent reports.
62090M1-W Aran IsldNo recent reports.
62093M4-Donegal BayNo recent reports.
62303Pembroke BuoyNo recent reports.
62107Sevenstones No recent reports.
62114North SeaNo recent reports.
62301Aberporth BuoyNo recent reports.
64046K7 BuoyNo recent reports.
62125Station 62125No recent reports.
62081K2 BuoyNo recent reports.
62105K4 BuoyNo recent reports.
64045K5 BuoyNo recent reports.

Script entwickelt von  Saratoga-weather.org

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